Newborn Session Information
About your Newborn session
The photo session is very relaxed and never rushed. I arrange either mid morning or early afternoon which ever is most suitable for you and your baby with the full understanding that babies cannot be dictated to and certainly cannot be rushed. We never work to a fixed timescale so if the baby needs a feed or nappy change, it is never a problem. I usually recommend that we allow a minimum of 2 hours for the session but it will often run in to three or more hours. Every session is different and I will work around you and your little one. I work with my assistant and daughter Kelly who is a qualified nursery nurse teacher, dance teacher and mother, so you can be assured of babies safety at all times. We take baby, to sooth and get to sleep. You can sit back and relax, which in many cases is the first time you have had a chance! Rest assured Kelly and myself can take care of everything.
What are you paying for?
A trained professional photographer with specialist equipment and props to take precious images of your newborn baby, the cost of an assistant to be present for the entire session to insure safety at all times.
Before your session, of approx 2 hours preparing the studio & equipment for the particular kind of styling that has been discussed with you before hand. After your session clearing studio and washing, there is always laundry after a session.
Time for your session up to 4 hours for both photographer and assistant.
Post production uploading images, selection and photo editing of up to 36 hours depending on which kind of session – Newborn babies can sometimes be jaundiced or have other skin problem areas that require careful editing so they look their best, this takes time, skill and specialist training.
Preparing and uploading and creating your personalized slideshow. e-mails, etc: approx 3 hours.
Business insurance, gallery and website costs, camera, props, studio equipment and running costs.
When to book?
I really do recommend you book your session well in advance of your due date to guarantee my availability. Due to the flexibility required for early and late arrivals I only book a limited number of newborn sessions per month. This ensures that I can capture every new baby within 14 days of birth (Ideally 5 to 10 days) All bookings are based on your EDD and the actual date of your session is not confirmed until your baby has arrived.
We do sometimes have late availability, depending on bookings and baby arrival dates, but can not be guaranteed.
How old should baby be?
Sessions are ideally held between up to 14 days old. (Ideally between 5 & 10 days) At this very early stage baby remains sleepy and curly, allowing me to capture all the adorable poses that can’t easily be achieved in later days & weeks.
Where are the sessions held?
Newborn, baby and cake smash photography sessions are held in my studio in Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire. The studio is designed specifically with your baby photography session in mind, and has everything from props to accessories.
How Long does the session last?
On average between 2 – 4 hours. The extended session time allows plenty of time for feeding, changing, settling and plenty of soothing.
After your session
I select the best images from the session and individually retouch each one. Your images will be ready to view approximately 1 to 2 weeks from the day of your session.
Viewing / Ordering session
At your viewing / ordering session, you have the chance to purchase various different digital and print collections or order from our Al a carte menu. You will want to show off your new photographs at their very best; so we also offer a range of hand selected, luxurious professional products , beautiful memory boxes with luxury matted mounted prints and also our most popular wall art.
Please contact Donna Richens for full list of session details and prices.